Monday, 14 November 2016

Seasons in Africa

Hi Guys,

Its been a minute or two since I've written to you guys it has been incredibly busy and lots have happened. Where do i start....  Over the last few months i have been in and out of Zimbabwe hosting teams, supporting our local office and also got the privilege to attend a Brother and also long term volunteer wedding in Zim. It was such a joy to be in Zim , a place that has now become my new home! Its no longer strange to hear Shona (local language) all the time, to use dollars in stores, to buy avocados for 50cts at the taxi rank(bus stop) or enter a taxi( mini van) that quite frankly you wonder whether you will make it to your destination due to the condition of the vechle.

In all of that I have fallen in love with the people of Zimbabwe, i have loved the most vulnerable children we serve and the gogos whom they live with. I have come to laugh with them, cry with them, enjoy the awkward silence and best of all talk the little local language i know with them, I have learnt to be content in the Chaos, to love the drama and still feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Why you ask sometimes you sleep on the floor, sometimes you share someone's home for weeks at a time , you have to bath with cold water often, I feel lucky in fact blessed because i get to spend time with some of Gods favorite people. I have spent time looking through the 4 gospels ( Matthew, Mark,Luke and John) to try and understand what was important to my Jesus. How did he live his life , how can I live a life like his. And each time I see Jesus was often with the people most unpopular I mean look at the woman with the issue of blood for 12yrs, look at the Mary Magdalene, the Man troubled by legions of demons, each one of these people were rejected but each time God ran towards them. Most of the families we walk alongside are despised in their own community for being poor for being unwell at times but yet God allows us to walk alongside these precious ones, Its a privilege that he would entrust us in their presence and each day am grateful to God that despite my faults He calls me to visit those He cares about to those crying out for His help , He allows me to be part of His Will and His miracles and He ministers to them and me.

But in spite of all this, lest you think am perfect am not life happens, Life brings you on a high but it also bring you on a low but one thing that stays constant is who you are in Christ and who God is through it all. Why do i share this a few weeks ago i got tragic news from home a friend i had known for a few months had passed away. I remember that day like it was yesterday my mum said to me so and so passed away , i asked my mum to repeat the statement several times. I couldn't believe it , i didnt want to believe , How can God allow someone who i knew to love God, to pursue justice and actively fight for the vulnerable in his actions and word. How could that be. Not too mention he was a huge blessing to me and advocated for what we did here at Hands and was a huge encouragement to me when i was home earlier in the year. I struggled to understand to comprehend Gods plans in this. But i sought God and continue to pursue God I heard him say this to me that 'I am God, I am Sovereign'  This individual i didn't realise left and impact in my life. Though the acquaintance was short the impact was large. As God reminded me who he was he also reminded me that 'its not about what you have but about what you do with what you have' , This person truly didnt concern himself with what he could get with what he had but he concerned himself with what would the Lord have him use it for. That challenges me to the core, where are my concerns, i pray desperately to God that i would never lose sight of what is means to walk with God to be guided by him to be used by him and what impact that lives behind. Indeed my Friends life was a testament to that.

As I struggled through the grief and seeing how God reassured me of who God is in my life  I was soon hit by the reality of what it meant not to have the monthly support of my friend not only in prayers but also in finances. I felt God challenge me again how do we conduct ourselves when we are at the mountain top should not differ from how we conduct ourselves a the bottom of the mountain. What do i mean by that, God challenged me hard to keep my eyes focused on what He has called me to do here in Africa and not waiver whether the finances add up or not but in fact to dig deeper, further into What God has destined for me to be doing. This is a hard challenge some days i looked and wondered and other days i saw God really provide in ways i couldn't even imagine. I am seeing God in all this and trusting God with all I am. Am continuing to seek God and cry out that may i continue to be desperate for God. May i have no rest when i become complacent in where i am , May God also raise up my spirit to another standard to a deeper knowledge of Who he is.

So am in that place when i am speaking to myself Grace dig deep, when you feel at the bottom of the mountain know God sees beyond and above it and His working in you as you climb that mountain. I am loving the Challenge but clinging to God tighter than i ever have.

I invite you to join me, don't allow yourself to get complacent and when you are, shake yourself,  and cry to the most high till that longing for God and God alone rises again in you.

Until next time

Lots of Love


Sunday, 31 July 2016

Am Back in Africa....

AM BACK............

Hey guys so its been a minute since i last wrote a blog. Oh my goodness lots and lots have happened!!! So the last official post i think was the big Announcement that i will be extending my time with Hands till  end of 2017. ( If you haven't seen it check out my Facebook for the video update).  That was a huge step for me to make that video and commit to what i felt God was calling me into. But it wasn't that easy to make that a reality we had my sisters wedding in April which we praise God was a huge success and we needed to refocus soon after as a family to see the way forward for me. It was really important for me that my Church and My family not only supported me as person they knew and loved but understood a bit more about Hands at Work and the impact we have on the ground and how it changed the children's lives and the communities we served in.

This was quite a task how do you share with people in a space of 5-10minutes about that type of impact! How do you summarise 14 months of living in Southern Africa?? How do you help people understand that you trust God that he will provide for you as you go out serving the most vulnerable?? How do you share how you have learnt how to practically live out James 1.27 True religion is caring for the widows and orphans? How do you share your struggles in that and your growth in that?  So I prayed everyday every moment that God will guide my words in the few minutes i had with people that i would be a vessel and God will water the seed. Over the 2 months i was home I SAW GOD. I remember explaining to a friend when he asked what was the biggest change over the last year being in Africa and i responded " its like i was watching God on video before Africa but now being in Africa i see God Live". I have had incredible experiences where i have seen people healed in front of me, where i have seen people receive Christ and their countenance becomes brighter, I have seen Kids stories when i met them were in a much worse situation and seeing them now i can see their story changing for the better. I have seen grandmas who have an alcohol problem slowly start being sober due to the support of our Care workers and our service center visiting and praying and encouraging them. I could go on......

But being home one thing i remember speaking to my mentor last christmas when i last visited and she said "Grace the God you see in Africa is the same God here allow God to work in the same way when you are home" though i knew that in my heart and desired that a part of me restricted "great God moments " more in Africa. But that was my Prayer that in my April-May visit 2016 that God of wonders will accompany me in all i did and oh how he did! I saw God change lives , change mindsets , set a people on fire for the most Vulnerable and the orphaned. I saw God bring people on board to pray for the poorest of the poor whom we serve, i saw people sponsor children , i saw people come forward to support me to continue to be a missionary here in Africa. My church family, My friends  and family you have been my rock, my support , my prayer warriors THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU. I pray for you and i love you. May we continue to Journey together as we partner with what God is doing here in Africa.

SO that's me at home. I then came back to Hands early July. I have been back for 2 months now. It  has been great to be back in the hands community to be back on the ground. I feel incredibly at home and settled here. I feel ready for the next chapter. But i have to be honest it was a tough re-entry. Not because of doubting where i am but because it becomes very real and i miss all my people at home. But also in terms of work, you may not know this by southern Africa has been facing a drought for the last few months and it hasn't come up on the news in west at all!!! That's a discussion for another time. But as a result as Hands at work we have had to respond to this. So in some of our most affected communities we have started feeding Breakfasts and added the number of children we feed as many will not make it to the end of the year if we do not help. To find out more about this visit ( ). So that meant for me as project support for Zim and Moz which are hit hardest alongside Swaziland my tasks i would usually do had altered quite a lot as we had drought relief programs as a priority. So learning where we are and reconnecting with our team meant it took a while to get up to speed. But very grateful to our team for stepping up and supporting and filling the gaps while i tried to readjust. It times like this my heart is filled with Gratitude for the hands community for the team am part of in times like this we rally around and support each other and carry the burden to ensure we are all supported.

So what now, I am currently in Zimbabwe i arrived last week to support our local office to prepare for a team arriving Today. It has been great to be back and see the team and work face to face with them . Very excited for us to be hosting our International Team and thanking God in advance for how he will show his heart to us as we visit the most vulnerable kids in their homes and God breaks our hearts for what breaks his, So pray for us its a busy time.

So that is the current update of the last few months. Continue praying for me as i pray for you .

Thank you for reading,

Trust God and let GO.


Sunday, 28 February 2016

Day 18 #40daysofblogging

Hey guys,
Can you believe it's already day 18! Crazy  praise God he kept me on this blogging journey and had reminded me everyday to blog and given me something to share each time.....and today am praying the same.

Literally as am writing this am asking God what do I write about , what should my blog content involve and if  am honest a few things are running through my mind.
However today hasn't been particularly eventful.  I went to church this morning  (couldn't go to my normal one coz wasn't able to get transport it's like 40 mins from where I am driving.  Yes I don't have my license yet lol but usually there's away). Anyway back to my Sunday visited a friends church which okay the worship was good the word was good but gotta say I drifted in and out lol . It happens sometimes (*gasps* Christian drifting in a sermon , it's happens sometimes welcome to normal lol)

Every Sunday we do our grocery shopping coz it's the only time of the week I can get transport out. So we did that came home ate lunch watched shows on my laptop then just kinda hang out waiting for the team(p.s am hosting a mission team for the next week or so :)).  But in the midst of all that very normal not so exciting stuff I seemed to drift a bit in my thoughts starting thinking about home , my friends , what relationships I've built here some very great ones and some I'm still figuring out. And that put a downer on my afternoon I realised my emotions were taking me on a path I didn't  like.  Anyway whilst in that state I searched out the net for some missionary stories etc and guess what it happens to lots of people. Some days are really  great and some days are really tough. This afternoon was one of them for me.
It got me feeling disillusioned for a hour or so and I really spent time crying out to God to reaffirms me to get hold  of me once again.  And many of those who are from family church will recognise freedom in christ. I went back to my book I read out loud the who am I in christ chapter. And guess what as I read it out Scripture changed something in me in the atmosphere.  It evened out my emotions my irrational thinking.  I needed that I still need that..Sometimes we lose focus on what makes significant, secure and accepted.  But truth is only God can restore that reaffirms that deep in your spirit. But we must ask we must fall back on our knees and as ask the Lord to subdue our flesh. 

But sometimes we need a push a sign to get started on that journey back to God and for  me today it was opening my cupboard to a plate of cookies signed from the Rebros my American family :). A little assurance that God's got you,  he's surrounded you with love and people who love you now come to me (God) and let me overshadow you with my love and peace. And that's exactly what I did. Does it end there nope! I have to hold firm to God's truth and keep speaking it over myself everyday and asking God to continue shifting it from my head to my heart.

I choose to write this post as it is and hope it's an encouragement but most of all an honest write up of what life in Africa can look like. 

Thanks guys I always appreciate you prayers and your support.

Lots of love


Friday, 12 February 2016

Day 3 #40days of blogging

#DAY 3
Hi guys,
As some of you may know I have decided for lent this year instead of giving up something I'll take up something.  So my something for lent is 40days of blogging.  Why because I would love to share my everyday journey with my friends and family  and strangers alike.
So how is it going. Video blogging is not easy got to think about lighting, what to say what app to use oh my lots. Definitely taking me longer than expected lol. I'm not techy haha. But that said I'm loving it. I'm loving being able to communicate in person.  Sometimes writing doesn't cut it.
Somethings I've learnt along the way
1 . vision is caught not taught!
What I mean is for someone to understand your vision and action it they need to understand the heart behind the vision. So I would love for you to understand the heart behind what I do so video is the next best thing as I can't  physically be there with you.
2. Second thing am learning is that being out here is a unique privilege but one that comes with a responsibility to advocate for those in need. And more so to help us (family and friends) have an avenue to do your bit whether that's supporting  me or sponsoring a child.  This is our world and we've been blessed to be a blessing. 
3. Third thing is God gives but we must be willing to receive.  Our watch word this year as Hands At Work  is Romans 15.5 says may the God who gives endurance and encourage give us a spirit of unity among ourselves as we follow Christ.
It is God who gives me endurance to be out here  news flash it's tough! I love it don't get me wrong and I have a deep peace being here but it costs my family and friends are forced to leave a life without me and I without them. It is God who encourages me when all I want is to be at home in my living and hearing our home full with family and friends. It is God who keeps me United with  my church my family my friends even when am far away  and it's God alone who keeps me from falling away  from  my faith. 
So in conclusion I pray to God give me those things but give me a strength to receive  them and in turn share with others how you share with me.
Love you all. Keep going deeper with Christ. It's worth it!
If you'd love to financially support me you can do so via my account.
Miss Grace w Kariuki
Account :81388438
Sort code :60-09-50

Saturday, 6 February 2016

The penny dropped

So last Friday  was what we call community  prayer in Siathathuka (This is a community that is close to my heart. I'll soon share  why in a different post :)). What this means is that us as Hands family  everyone  who volunteers here at the hub we go and join  hands with our family in the a specific community for a prayer morning.  We share the word ,worship and prayer together then do holy home visits  to Carewokers, primary  caregivers  and kids  homes. There is nothing  more beautiful than seeing so many different nationalities  come together  to worship God in different languages.  For me it's a piece of what heaven  will look like.  Scripture  talks about this in Revelation.

This week the word shared was that we should  not live in fear.  What fear  does is that it holds you in captivity  and can make you live like your biggest  fear is happening.  In a community like there are many people practicing witchcraft and worshipping ancestors and rape and alcohol abuse is common.  Many people here are unemployed and rely on growing crops which don't always grow well. It's a dry area and sandy in some parts. It's easy to see why a community like this could leave in fear but it's also in this community that having a care point for vulnerable orphans is essential.  It's at this care point where the kids can learn about God and how much he loves them and it's here they are provided with opportunity to go to school  and basic health care.

This can only happen by our volunteers from our local church who cook and visit the children.  However it's not always that easy. It is here that I got the opportunity to visit some caregivers  who had shown interest in being part of the CBO caring for their own children and their friends. However fear was holding them back. Fear of commitment,  fear of potential struggle and fear of working with others. Although there was more to this and I could completely relate It's hear I realised that it's difficult to overcome your fears if you don't have encouragement and support throughout the journey.  It's here I saw the absolute necessity for our Service center members who visit the community regularly and build these relationship.  It's here I saw the necessity for us hands at work being here to support the service center and the CBO.  As I sat in this home visits  I realised  you can give all the money and resources and children could still go hungry and not cared for because their is no one to provide this.  As  I sat there I remember having to ask ourselves if the kids came home that day and asked mum why didn't I eat why didn't I go to school  and she responded I was afraid to receive the gift of those things  the child would struggle to understand that.

So what am I saying Fear is real, fear can hold out on our very blessing.  But encouragement and support can help us out of fear. God's truth that he has not given us a spirt of fear but that of power love and a sound mind 2 Timothy 1.7 is our only defence against fear.

During that home visit we were able to bring hope and support and praise be to God they caregivers are now part of the CBO caring for their kids. We can overcome all things through Christ who strengthens us.

If you fear anything draw closer to God and sorround yourself with people who can encourage you and support you and defeat fear!

Lots of love


If you'd love to financially support me you can do so via my account.
Miss Grace w Kariuki
Account :81388438
Sort code :60-09-50

Thursday, 7 January 2016

My journey home....

Hello  friends!
Firstly  I start  by apologising  for not being as 'live' on my blogs as I'd hoped  to be last year. I hope this year will be different.
Indeed I do pray  that this indeed will be a happy  new year for all of us. As I write this  I am sat  in Heathrow  airport  awaiting  to board my flight back  to south Africa! I was incredibly  blessed  by my family for bringing  me home for Christmas . It's  been  such a blessing  to have  good quality  time with family  and friends who I've missed  so much over the past  year . I have been  blown  away by their generosity in time  support and even  finances! God bless you and continue  to show you favor in all you do.

As I return to South Africa  as much  as i will miss  being  with my family,  my friends,being  in my home.   I am super excited  to be going  to another  place  I have  come to call home. To an extended family  to the kids  that we care for. To my community  stay family  whom I've become  quite close to since  my initial  weekend stay in February.  But  as much as am looking forward to those  joyous   moments  a part of me is very  aware of the reality of the lives of the kids  we care for. I'm afraid  to hear the stories  of what Christmas  could have been  like for them. In communities where  holidays  can be the riskiest  time for them. But  my heart  draws joy in knowing  we trust  God to watch over them everyday.  We have  incredible  carewokers  who live in those communities and are standing  for them and still cooking  and caring for them during  this time.
Although our Christmas may look very  different  in terms  of the materliasm  the gifts  the  shiny  lights.  Christmas  is a time  where we often try to give,  to share, to be family and that's  the same  everywhere. So as we enjoy in the overflow  let's remember  to be answer  to those in need. To look  beyond  our own comfort  and seek to be a bridge in someone's  life story.  To think outwards.  What  I have found is that often  as you give  of yourself  to others  to those in need God cares for your needs and puts  people  around you.
So I take this time to say thank you to all  those whose supported  me in friendship,  in prayers,  in finances  you have been a bridge  for me to be a bridge  to the kids here at hands at work Africa.  I encourage you  to continue journeying  with me and even  take if further  support a child.  To know how to do this visit to support  me please  do message me.

So let's take this year by Storm  and Go where God goes and do what he does.

Lots of love


If you'd love to financially support me you can do so via my account. 

Miss Grace w Kariuki 

Account :81388438

Sort code :60-09-50